परस्परसंवादी रोबोट

$23.99 - $79.99

परस्परसंवादी रोबोट

Poki is a passenger that you’ve always dreamed about! This small interactive robot is your new best car buddy!

सह पॅक 50+ animations and sensors that makes him react to different types of movements such as प्रवेगक, braking and turning! Not only that, you can also pet and tap Poki to make him interact with you.

We made him to be your company wherever you go, it doesn’t matter what car you drive! All Poki needs is connection to power with the included USB-C cable and place him anywhere you want!

That’s all, Poki can’t wait to join you on your next trip!

बॉक्स आत घाला

हे कसे कार्य करते?

Poki actually reacts to the specific movement of your car!

He knows exactly when you turn, accelerate or brake.

आणखी टॅपिंग?

Poki doesn’t only reacts to the way you drive! You can also interact with him by petting and tapping him.

परस्परसंवादी रोबोट
परस्परसंवादी रोबोट
$23.99 - $79.99 निवडा पर्याय